Following are author kits and instructions for submitting papers for review to DGMM4CV 2016.
Submitted material should be original in the sense that it has not been previously published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in any peer-reviewed venue including journals, conferences, workshops, or archival forums. Even if the paper is not published in a proceeding, if it was peer-reviewed and accepted to any such venue it will be considered published. University technical reports and papers are excluded from this rule as they are not peer-reviewed. Any paper substantially similar in content to another paper that has been or will be submitted to another journal, conference, or workshop, including DGMM4CV2016 itself, during the review period, would also be considered dual submission and rejected without review.
Papers violating the formatting rules, the double-blind or dual-submission policies, or having more than 14 pages of main text will be rejected without review. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. There will be no extra page charges associated with the conference but every paper will be subject to a flat-rate publication charge. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper is required to register for the conference before and present the paper at the conference. Papers none of whose authors are registered by this time will be redacted from the conference. Papers none of whose authors present the papers at the conference will be removed from the conference proceedings.
If you have been invited to review for DGMM4CV2016, an account has been automatically generated for you using the contact email as your account name (regardless of whether you agreed to review or not). You need to only request for a new password via “Reset your password".
When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to enter your conflict domain information. You will not be able to submit any paper without entering this information. We need to ensure conflict-free reviewing of all papers.
At any time, you can edit your contact information. Don’t forget to click the “Update" button to save the edited information. If you wish to change the contact email address, you can modify it via the “Change your Email" box.
When you submit a paper, you will be asked to specify its associated subject areas. Please note that you indicate only one “primary" subject area and any number of “secondary" subject areas. Please pay extra attention in selecting your subject areas, as this information is critical in allowing us to properly assign papers to area chairs and reviewers. Caution: you cannot pick the “primary" subject area as a “secondary" subject area; if you do this, the system will not allow you to save. For example, if you had picked “Geometric descriptors" as the “primary" area, you cannot pick “Geometric descriptors" as a “secondary" area.
The author kit provides a LaTeX2e template for full paper submissions, and sources of an example paper to demonstrate the format. Please refer to the following files for detailed formatting instructions. The pre-compiled pdf accv2016submission.pdf in the author kit contains additional detailed and useful instructions. It is highly recommended to use the LaTeX2e template to write a paper.
Author Kit (zip file):
An MS Word template is also available here: accv2016submission.docx